Tuesday, October 4, 2016

LA Dodgers Foundation 5K/10K Recap

Hi there!  It's been a few weeks since my last race, but I was back at it again this past Sunday.  A couple of weeks ago, I decided that my calendar needed a race for this weekend and this looked like the perfect fit.  After hearing about it, I headed to their website for details.  They offered a 10K, 5K, or the option to run both.  When ever that's an option, I usually do it.  There was a 2-hour difference between starts, which meant plenty of recovery time.

I was initially going to pick up my packet on Saturday at Dodger Stadium after the LA Road Runners training run.  I didn't get much sleep Friday night, so I decided to skip LARR and get my packet on race morning.  I managed to get out of the bed Sunday morning around 4:45 and out of the house by 5:20.  Traffic should have been a breeze, but they are doing construction on the 101 and the exit to the 134 was closed, so my GPS had to re-route me and add 10 extra minutes to the drive.  I finally arrived at the stadium around 6:30 and had a half hour to get my t-shirt and bib before the 7:00 10K start.  The race shirt was a nice tech t with Dodgers 16 on the front and the race logo on the back.  After tossing the t-shirt in my car, I headed to the start line just in time for the pre-race instructions and national anthem, then we were off!    

5K and 10K course map


The course started by going up the hill on the 3rd base side, then going through the parking lot area behind home.  After that, it was back down the hill on the first base side and out of the Academy Road gate towards Elysian Park.  There really isn't much to say about the course other than it was HILLY.  I did the LA Big 5K this year, so I knew it wasn't going to be easy.  I took it easy for the most part since both races were simply training runs and a good way to get some hill work in.  Once out of the park and back on stadium property, the course stayed in the parking lot with a small section of dirt road.  As you can see by the pictures below, it was a pretty average performance for me.  Volunteers were greeting runners at the finish with their medal.  The exit line of the finish area also had coconut water, giant bottles of Hawaiian Springs water, and kiwis.  I grabbed a few things and headed back to the car to cool off before the 9:00 5K start. 



As I was heading back to the start area, I ran in to fellow Conqur Endurance Ambassador Tony OrozcoWe chatted for a quick minute before he ran off to get his packet.  I headed inside the stadium for a few minutes to get a few pictures and hang out on the warning track.  The 5K start was the same as the 10K.  They had a few Dodgers alum and the same lady sing the national anthem, which she knocked out of the park.  Since I was goofing off in the stadium, I didn't get a chance to line up near the front.  Big mistake!  The 5K had a large number of walkers and with the uphill start, I had to do a lot of weaving in and out.  With the exception of running out of the Academy Gate and through the Park, the course was identical to the 10K.  I took a couple of short walk breaks during the second half, there was nothing left in the tank after dealing with hills all morning.  My medal was in the storage compartment of my water bottle, so I just took it out once near the finish and put it back on.  There was nothing extra for doing both and no combined time either.  Hopefully, that is something they improve on next year.  Tony caught up with me afterward and we got a quick picture before heading out.  I ended up going to the Stone Brewing Company Store in Pasadena for a couple of beers and a growler fill.

Final Thoughts

This was a great last-minute addition to my race schedule and a good training run thanks to the hills.  The event is for a great cause (LA Dodgers Foundation) and very well organized.  Course support for both races was great with plenty of water stations.  If my race schedule is free when it takes place next year, I'll definitely do one of the races again, both if they add more for dual race runners.  Until next time, GO DODGERS!!!

Tony and me after the 5K