Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Los Angeles Marathon Recap

Greetings!!  This past Sunday marked the main event of the Conqur LA Challenge, the Skechers Performance Los Angeles Marathon.  This was the culmination of months of hard work for thousands of people.  As part of the Conqur ambassador team, I was comped an entry to the Conqur LA Challenge, but that in no way influenced my review of the event.

Packet pickup: The expo was held on Friday and Saturday at the Los Angeles Convention Center.  I had originally planned to go on Saturday after the LA Big 5K.  Unfortunately, having a pub run the night before and not being able to sleep well, I missed that.  I finally got on the road around noon and paid for not getting up early.  Traffic on the 101 and 405 was its usual pain in the ass, but that's my own fault.  I finally got to the expo around 1:30 and just paid the $20 to park at the convention center since I knew I'd be leaving with two handfuls of gear.  Normally I would just park a few blocks away and throw a few bucks in the meter.  The expo was held in the west hall this year and was noticeably smaller, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.  The first order of business was to find my name on the wall and snap a photo with ambassador captain Linzie

The first step was to get my bib, but they didn't have it at the numbered bib section.  It was at expo services not too far away, presumably because we were upgraded to start line hospitality.  Next up, I got my super nice Skechers race shirt and gear check bag.  The race once again offered a virtual event bag, which I'm always a huge fan of.  It's way less waste and there were plenty of vendors handing samples out.  The giant Skechers Performance race merchandise store was the first thing that everyone had to pass through.  I don't usually buy stuff at the expo, but this year was an exception.  I grabbed two nice visors (on sale) and the official race shirt.  After that, I did my usual vendor browsing.  There was one handing out samples of non-alcohol beer (Erdinger N/A), which I actually liked.  I've been meaning to cut back so I can improve my training and this one may do the trick.  I then had to hunt down the exhibitor services booth because that's where my complimentary shoes were at, they were hiding in the backstage area.  Next up, find the Malibu Half Marathon booth.  They were giving away a free beach towel and sunglasses if you registered.  I was going to sign up anyway, why not get some free stuff?  I headed out after that and made my way to Angel City Brewery to try out their newest beer before deciding which one I would have after the race.  Next stop was the newly opened Karl Strauss Brewery in Downtown LA for an early dinner.  I heard amazing things about their mac n' cheese and it did not disappoint.  Carb loading was now complete and it was time to head back home and get to sleep, 2:30 was going to come early.  

The Race: My alarm went off at 2:30 and I managed to get up on time for once.  All of the things I needed were already laid out, just had to wash up and get ready.  I was on the road by 3:00 since my shuttle reservation was at 4:30 and it's about an hour drive with no traffic.  I got to Santa Monica and parked right at 4:00.  My parking was pre-paid weeks in advance, which is highly recommended if you park here.  It was about a 5-10 minute walk to where the shuttles left from, so I had plenty of time to be on one by 4:30.  Or so I thought.  This was the major issue I know that everyone is complaining about.  The line to board the buses was insanely long and was barely moving, even with a lot of buses just sitting there.  Also, the porta-potties were directly beside the shuttle line.  Volunteers were slowly "checking" bags and checking to see who was wearing running vests, waist pouches, etc.  They were giving out red wristbands to attach to them, but I'm not sure why.  I finally got on a bus just before 5:00, cutting it close to get to the hospitality tent for the 5:30 ambassador meet-up.  Once we were close to the stadium, it appeared the off ramp the said buses only was completely closed and not even letting buses exit.  All of the shuttles ended up in the same line as vehicles dropping runners off.  More confusion set in once at the stadium, a few buses got turned around near the academy gate.  They pretty much said screw it and dropped us off there, so I got in a good warm up walk to the stadium.  I got to the hospitality tent right at 5:30 and met up with my friend Becky real quick before heading in to grab a bite to eat, drink some water, check my gear bag, and snap the ambassador pic.  The hospitality area was really nice, tons of food, drinks, porta-potties, and heaters!  We hung out there until around 6:20, then it was off to our respective corrals.

Pre-race photo with fellow Conqur Endurance Group ambassadors LinzieJennyTonyEmeliaEricaTim, Me, CarleeIvie, and Miriam.

As you can see by the map below, this point to point Stadium to the Sea course covers almost all of the iconic landmarks of Los Angeles.  It truly is the best way to see it all without dealing with traffic!

On to the race itself, which started at 6:45 with the elite women, followed by the elite men and the full field.  It seemed as if the weather was finally going to be on our side, around 50 at the start!  I was put in corral B, but in no way did I train enough to maintain that pace.  Since this day wasn't about a PR or even a course record like the previous 2 years, I decided to go full on tourist and have fun with it.  Once they announced there would be close to 40 Snapchat filters along the course, that made my decision even easier.  Geo-filters are the only reason I really use SC, so I thought it would be fun.  I met up with Becky in corral E and was going to try and stick with her most of the race, tough to do with 20,000 people running around.  The race started with the usual shuffle out of the Dodger Stadium parking lot onto the streets of LA.  The first 4 miles are in the downtown area through Chinatown and Little Tokyo.  After the hill that leads up to Walt Disney Concert Hall, I stopped to Snapchat and lost Becky.  She managed to go on and set her course PR!  The course then went on to pass through Echo Park, Silver Lake, Little Armenia, and into Hollywood.

Chinatown and Echo Park

Hollywood sign and Capitol Records Building

Chinese Theater and Whiskey a Go Go 

I was trying to stop at all of the major landmarks to Snapchat and see what filters were available.  It was really fun to finally just take this course in and pay attention to the sights and sounds.  After passing through all of Hollywood, the course went through Beverly Hills and on to Rodeo Drive.

Rodeo Drive and the Mile 17.5 #WeRunSocial Cheer Station with AJKelly, Jen, and Diana.

  Just after that, I spotted the first LA Road Runners aid station.  I remembered seeing them post that they would have Hot Shot pain shots (like an alcohol-free shot of fireball for pain).  I grabbed one and downed it, which didn't sit well on my stomach for a few minutes.  After getting water at the next aid station, that issue went away.  I also tried to stop whenever I saw icy hot spray being used at medical tents.  My longest run prior to this was the Pasadena Half in January, so my knees were starting to ache.  The next few miles were a combination of running and walking to keep from getting an injury.  This part of the course is where you really learn to appreciate the support the city shows to this race.  There is never a dull moment and you will never have to worry about not having water, fruit, snacks, candy, or even a shot of beer or two.  That's the #1 reason I love this race and this city.  I have never seen so much support and encouragement from complete strangers (and even fellow runner friends not running the event).  The last few miles went through the community of Brentwood with a gradual downhill to Santa Monica and Ocean Avenue.  The last 1/2 mile is barricaded off to keep out bandits and was packed with people cheering.  At this point, the race was 5 1/2 hours old and it felt like I was coming down towards the finish line in the top 10.  Again, I F'N LOVE this city.  I hit the finish at 5:33 with a smile on my face.  Not my best, not my worst, but without a doubt the most fun I've had during a marathon.  The forecast called for clouds, but the sun was shining bright almost the entire time, but at least it wasn't as hot as previous years.  I was greeted at the finish by Conqur ambassador program coordinator Ryan and we chatted for a few before I headed off to get my medal for the marathon and for completing the Conqur LA Challenge.  Both medals were amazing, which is now expected from Conqur.  My neck was actually starting to hurt from carrying both of them around.  There was also a special background graphic for those of us that completed the challenge.  The pic below is the only race photo I'll post because MarathonFoto once again failed me.  Zero pics at the Santa Monica Classic and next to none here.  That's all I'll say about that because I'm trying to keep my blood pressure down.

Post Race: Once I received my medals and took my picture, I went to get my stuff from gear check.  This was an area the needed to be improved on from last year and they nailed it.  It was done by bib number this year and not last name, which did not work very well.  The sign pointing towards the finish festival and beer garden was after the exit chute to get there, so a lot of people had to turn around to head that way.  Another issue I had was the number of friends and family members over-crowding the entrance to the festival, it was nearly impossible to enter and spectators were practically stepping on runners feet.  They definitely need to move them further back next year.  That is the last thing people need after a marathon in a cramped space like that and the risk of injury.  Once in the beer garden, I could tell it was much larger than last year.  We got one free beer with our bib, which I really think should be at least 2.  Angel City brought four beers this year versus the two last year.  I was able to find Becky there, so we chatted over a beer before she headed home.  I changed clothes, went to Stout just a few feet away for a burger and beer.  This is slowly becoming my post LAM tradition.  Once done eating, I walked back to my car and headed home.  Traffic was a pain as usual and it took all I had to stay awake after such a long day.  Overall, it was another fantastic event from Skechers Performance and Conqur Endurance Group.  The support from all cities involved and the volunteers was world class.  It was an honor to work with them during the season and I hope to be back next year.  If not, I'll still Conqur LA again!