Saturday, March 16, 2013

Run the Jailbreak - San Antonio

Today Amy and I got together with a few friends and did the Jailbreak obstacle run, it's a Texas based series that hits San Antonio, DFW, Padre, Houston, and El Paso.  Packet pickup was quick and simple and we got a pretty nice shirt and the bibs were really sweet.  We started in the 1030 heat and the first 1/2 mile was mostly running with couple quick and simple obstacles which included a shallow pond and some hurdles.  After some more running we encountered some tire runs, over/unders, mud pits, a downhill slip n slide, monkey bars, hay bails, and fog house.  Once we got over mile 2 and through a few more small obstacles we hit the long wait for a huge inflatable water slide.  We literally stood their waiting for 10 minutes.  It's time to start running in competitive heats.  Anyways, after we slid down, which was worth the wait, we got over the cargo net wall and hit the home stretch.  Right before the finish there was a huge mud pit followed by a low crawl (roll) through sand.  Upon crossing the finish line Amy dropped to a knee, mud and all, and asked me to marry her.  I said yes.  Details on that later, but there will obviously be a running event involved.

Scott, Karen, Me, Amy, and Danny after the finish.


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